Tuesday 27 March 2018



4 cups flour
1 tsp salt
10g dry yeast
2 extra large eggs
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup oil
1 potato cubed and boiled
1/2 cup fresh cream


  • Beat eggs and sugar until light and fluffy
  • Add oil
  • Liquidize potato and add cream
  • Add dry ingredients
  • Add warm milk to make a soft dough ( use as needed)
  • Cover and set aside and allow to rise ( double in volume)
  • Grease hands with oil and form small balls with dough
  • Place on a well greased tray not very far apart and allow to rise again
  • Brush with egg and sprinkle poppy  seeds or sesame seeds
  • Bake at 190° for +- 15 minutes
  • Serve with butter chicken

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